Somebody (or some program) may have inadvertently turned on unwanted audio enhancements in the Windows control panel. Here's how to turn them off: 1. Right-click on the small volume contol in your Wi...
Many things can contribute to this. Slow hard drive access times, not enough free CPU resources, can cause stuttering in recording or playback. If increasing the buffer or latency settings in the soun...
You've added sounds, but you can't play anything. There are a few things you can check here. * Are the speakers on and plugged in? (Sorry, management made us ask.) * Is the correct sound card or...
The opposite problem of sound breaking up or gapping is that the sound will be delayed and have a latency from the time an edit is made to the time you hear it. For example, if you are playing back a...
When you first start Mixcraft, make sure that the audio latency is set properly. All sound devices and sound cards are not created equal and some have better performance than others. In addition, yo...
If your sound device doesn't come with its own ASIO driver (check the manufacturer's download page), you can try using the generic ASIO driver ASIO4All. Install the latest ASIO4All from
In Mixcraft, click on the File menu and select Preferences. On the Playback tab, select the correct sound card driver for the Playback Device option. If you can't get into preferences, go into the Ac...
When playing the session, it sounds like someone is starting and stopping the sound quickly and repeatedly. This could be because the computer has slowed down due to other programs running at the same...