Click Preferences from the File menu. Select General and then choose a new temp directory. For version 3 and lower, you have to go into the registry and change HKEY_CURRENT_USER/ Software/Acoustica/...
Includes automatic fade out of partial songs, cross fading, trimming songs, boosting, EQ and more. ...
MP3 CD Burner has a normalization option that will try to even out the volume levels of a group of songs. In MP3 CD Burner, click on the File menu and select Preferences. In the Audio Processing prefe...
For version 4 or higher, clear up the burner's temporary files by clicking Preferences from the File menu. Select General and then select Delete Temporary Files. Start Disk Cleanup by clicking the Wi...
No, Acoustica MP3 CD Burner is designed for making music CDs. We don't have a general data CD burning program at this time. ...
Acoustica MP3 CD Burner will read playlists of the following types: * .CBS(Acoustica MP3 CD Burner) * .M3 (Winamp & others - most common universal playlist) * .PLS, .PL (Sonique & others) * ....
The easist way to do it is to click on a download link. Download MP3 CD Burner here [] from our Legacy Software page. It will ask you if you want to open or run the softw...
Acoustica MP3 CD Burner doesnt have a beatmatching feature, but DJ Twist & Burn [] does. ...