Microsoft made major changes to Windows with the release of Windows 8. These changes have cause many third party software program to function incorrectly or not at all. MP3 CD Burner doesn't display t...
In iTunes, click on the Edit menu and select Preferences. On the General tab, click Import Settings. Change the Import using setting to MP3 Encoder. Save those settings and youll then be able to right...
If you've got some sounds with unicode characters in the filename, you might not be able to load it into the program. In Windows XP: Open up the Windows Control Panel, switch to Classic View if nece...
Simply select Copy Track Information To Clipboard from the Edit menu. After that paste it into any text editor such as Notepad, Word, WordPad or WordPerfect. The standard shortcut to paste is Ctrl-V...
Acoustica MP3 CD Burner will automatically search your hard drive for songs on your computer. If it finds a new song, it adds it to the Music Library. When you search for a song via the Find tab, it ...
The music library problem is due to one of Windows Vista's new security measures. Windows Vista is not allowing MP3 CD Burner to make changes to its own music library file. To avoid that problem, run ...
Acoustica MP3 CD Burner does not search the Internet for music, it only searches your computer's hard drive(s). If you know the songs are already on your computer, but they are still not coming up, t...
When you load or add a song to MP3 CD Burner, the software reads the tags or song information. In some cases, the tags are different than the actual filename. For example, you could have a file called...
Starting with versions 4.70 and higher, Acoustica MP3 CD Burner will not work with Windows 98, ME or 95. Later versions of MP3 CD Burner require Windows Vista or Windows 7. If upgrading your computer ...
If you are getting this message when starting MP3 CD Burner, it means you need to install WMA support. ...