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Do I need a registration code for Mixcraft 10?

Nope! In Mixcraft 10, you simply need to log in.  If you haven’t logged in yet, you can do so in Mixcraft by clicking File>Preferences, then go to the account section and log in.  This assumes you've created an Acoustica account.  If you haven’t created an account, you can create one here: 

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  1. Greg B

  2. Posted
  3. Updated



    Hello Greg, I hope I find you well.   I think I may have broken your download system from the amount of times Ive downloaded MC10 pro in the last few weeks, trying to get it to work in my AVL MXLINUX 21. Please reset all my logins download to 0.

    I left Windows some time ago, and have been enjoying REAPER that works perfectly in LINUX.

    Even Studio One has seen the light and is now going the linux way. So My question is?. Will you also see the light and start working on a LINUX version.

    God bless you. I love my Mixcraft 10 PRO