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How do I get rid of the "Burn As One Track" option? I want to cross-fade songs.

This means that you are burning in Windows XP "IMAPI" mode which burns in Track At Once (TAO) mode and has a forced 2 second gap between tracks. You can try getting Goldenhawk to support the drive generically.

1. Download the latest version of the CD Buner From our Legacy Software Page.

2. Configure the Goldenhawk Drive Override system to (hopefully) recognize your CD or DVD burner.

3. Make sure that "Use IMAPI" is unchecked by clicking "Preferences" from the "File" menu. Select "CD/DVD Burner" and make sure the "Use IMAPI" is UN-CHECKED. Click OK.

4. Try a test-burn. Hopefully, the option is gone which means that you are now in Goldenhawk mode. (Remember, that this generic mode may not work in all cases!)

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