If your drive is not supported, make sure to download the latest version at from our Legacy Software Page. [https://acoustica.com/legacy] If that doesn't fix the problem, and you are using Windows XP...
In the Acoustica MP3 CD Burner folder, there's a file called ExcludeDevices.ini. You can edit this file and add the drive letters of your virtual CD drives so MP3 CD Burner will ignore them. There are...
After upgrading from Windows 9x to NT4.0, Windows 2000 or Windows XP or from NT4.0 to Windows 2000 or Windows XP, the software no longer sees any recorders. Download and reinstall Acoustica MP3 CD Bur...
In MP3 CD Burner, click on the File menu and select Preferences. In the General preferences, click on the Goldenhawk Override option. Verify that your CD burning drive is selected, then choose the Use...
Yes, you need a CDRW drive or CD recorder before you can use our software. (It needs a special laser found in the CD recorder drives.) ...
This means that you are burning in Windows XP IMAPI mode which burns in Track At Once (TAO) mode and has a forced 2 second gap between tracks. You can try getting Goldenhawk to support the drive gener...