This is the worst problem to get with this software, because it is essentially useless if it cannot find a supported CD or DVD burner! There are a couple of things you can try, though. * If it is a...
Due to ASPI layer system conflicts, you may need to quit Photos Forever in order to see the photos you have just burned. This should only happen when using the Goldenhawk burning engine....
Reordering is a very handy way of making sure that your photos are easily identifiable. For example, you may have 10 folders filled with images from your digital camera and they may be titled dig-cam...
This is a handy way of distributing the software to friends and family that may want to try it out. And it provides for an easy way of making a backup copy of a CD. It will create a file called Photos...
There are many many reasons why a burn can fail. Here are some things to check: * Try a different blank CD or DVD. * Do a test first * Try a different brand of blank CD or DVD. Sometimes Sony C...